CJA296 Special Topics

Study of International Policing: Southern Italy & Sicily

Mr. John Augustine

Course Description:

The design of this course is to provide the student with a global view of criminal justice systems, by touring the specific international country of study. This will facilitate a comparison of the police in the selected country with the U.S. criminal justice system. Particular emphasis will be on the social, political and economic factors in the development and change in law enforcement. The instructor will attempt to discuss critical issues, which seem to be common to policing regardless of the society in question. The specific policing system to be studied: The Italian Carbonaire

Course Objective:

  • Explain variations in police power and authority in terms of social, cultural and structural differences
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the police in several countries
  • Discuss the impact of cultural or ethnic diversity on the provision of police services.
  • Discuss the police role in the provision of social control, social support, social order and social integration.
  • Discuss the issue of professionalism in relating to the training and educational preparation of police officers.
  • Discuss the issue of accountability and the control of misbehavior in the law enforcement
  • Relate the issue of social violence to the use of firearms by the police 

Course Requirements:

The students must:

  • Attend one (1) of the two (2) trip orientations.
  • Must participate in the overseas trip to Italy and Sicily with instructor and attend applicable trip related events.
  • Attend the mandatory presentation of portfolios and journals within three (3) weeks of return, (time and location to be announced).

Course Assignments:

Each student will be responsible for developing a journal of written material in chronological order of the overseas tour or develop a photographic portfolio of the tour events chronologically. An oral presentation of your journal or portfolio will be completed within three (3) weeks of returning from the trip.